Polybar 3.3.0 Release

23 Dec 2018 -- Polybar Team

It’s finally here

As a small Christmas present, we bring you the long awaited version 3.3.0 of polybar!

Over the last 5 months 22 of you contributed to polybar and have made changes that are now in this latest release. Altogether 95 files have been changed, totaling in 1322 added and 885 deleted lines

We fixed 9 bugs (that we know of). Most notably, we were able to solve a longstanding issue with the tray overlapping parts of the bar (#1392).

The newly added features seem to mostly make the modules more expressive, there have been loads of new config options added to various modules.

You can read the full changelog on github.


The most notable and biggest addition to polybar was support for pseudo- transparency (#595), which @bennofs implemented. With it polybar can have a transparent background without the need for a compositor like compton. With pseudo-transparency the bar’s background is composited against your desktop wallpaper instead of taking other windows that could be behind the bar into account. That’s why it’s called pseudo-transparency: If there is a window under a transparent bar, you won’t see the window through the bar, only your wallpaper.

You can enable pseudo-transparency by setting pseudo-transparency = true in the [settings] section.

Polybar’s system tray now always uses pseudo-transparency because of complexity reasons and it seems to have fixed a few rendering bugs.

Have fun with the new features! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
— The Polybar Team
